Plugin Tag: buddypress
BuddyPress Sitewide Featured Posts
(0 total ratings)This is a BuddyPress plugin that allows you to select and display featured posts sitewide.
BP System Report
(0 total ratings)Records regular summaries of BuddyPress-related systemwide information
BuddyPress Activity Stream AtGroups
(0 total ratings)This plugin will link @(group_slug) syntax to group home page and/or use =(group_slug) to post an update to group
BuddyPress Default Group Avatar
(1 total ratings)Adds a default group avatar to BuddyPress without disabling Gravatars for users.
BP Favorite Plus
(6 total ratings)This plugin allows you to show user avatars below activity who liked that activity before
Buddypress Jquery Activity Stream Widget
(0 total ratings)Let your site viewers/users easily read the activity streams by adding a simple yet customizable widget that displays streams in an animated manner.
orcas Responsive Wiki
(2 total ratings)Buddypress wiki where registered users in the frontend can edit the same document after each other.
Jet Random Members Widget
(0 total ratings)en: Create a cloud of users on your social network! Do you have many users? Do you want more communication? Install this widget!
Multisite Global Search
(11 total ratings)Adds the ability to search through blogs into your WordPress Multisite installation.
Add Movie Trailers and Games Trailers to your site
(0 total ratings)Add Movie Trailers and Game Trailers to your site or create your own IMDB site
(4 total ratings)Bebop is a BuddyPress plugin which allows you to connect your BuddyPress profile to other social media platforms such as Twitter, Flickr, Slideshare, …
BuddyPress Group Twitter
(0 total ratings)Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group.
BuddyPress Activity Stream as Blog Comments
(1 total ratings)This plugin will replace the blog comments section with the activity stream reply system
BP Group Reviews
(5 total ratings)Adds a reviews/rating section to BuddyPress groups. As seen on the
BuddyPress Minecraft Server Group
(0 total ratings)Enables control of minecraft server whitelist and websiteserver chat integration.
BuddyPress Connect For Tally Framework
(0 total ratings)Add BuddyPress Support for Tally Framework theme.
BP Group Frontpage
(0 total ratings)Creates a Group Frontpage from a form BuddyPress Group Admins fill out. Like a book cover.
BP Add Post Updates to Activity
(3 total ratings)This plugin adds post updates (revisions) to the BuddyPress Activity Stream, other post-types are selectable, as is the minimum time before re-updatin …